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Holy Baptism

"For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ." -- Galatians 3:27


Baptism is the Sacrament of new birth, of entry into new life in Christ. Adults affirm their belief in Christ and his saving life, death, and resurrection, and are baptized with water in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. For babies and infants, those adults sponsoring them for baptism make the promises and affirmations on their behalf. This Sacrament unites us to Christ forever, and marks our formal entry into the Body of Christ, which is his Church. It is an unrepeatable Sacrament that can be administered at any age, from infants a few days old to those well advanced in years. 


The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is normally administered during the principal Sunday Mass several times throughout the year. Holy Baptism can also be arranged for times other than the principal Sunday morning service, although in this case it is preferably administered during one of our regularly scheduled daily Masses.


Each candidate for Holy Baptism is presented by one or more sponsors (also known as godparents), who must themselves be baptized and practicing Christians.


If you want to be Baptized, or are not sure if you have been baptized, please email the Rector at He would be delighted to have a conversation with you about this wonderful sacrament of Christ's grace.


Baptism and life in Christ are open to all!


Pictured at left: the Baptismal font at S. Stephen's, where the Sacrament of Baptism is administered.

© 2024 S. Stephen's Church    

114 George Street

Providence, Rhode Island, 02906     

Office: (401) 421-6702

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