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Holy Communion

Communion is the Sacrament of Christ's Body and Blood that we experience under the forms of Bread and Wine. In the Holy Communion, we remember Christ's sacrifice upon the cross, and through his Real Presence in the Sacrament we are united to him and his sacrifice.


Most services at Saint Stephen's include the Sacrament of Holy Communion, which is available to all Christians who have been baptized with water in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The celebration of Communion or the Mass is the very heartbeat of this parish, and we understand Christ's ongoing presence to dwell in a very real way in the consecrated Bread. That is why we leave a candle burning at all times in front of the tabernacle, or the place where we keep the Bread from Sunday's Eucharist that was not consumed.


Children and Holy Communion


In the Episcopal Church, children are welcome to receive Holy Communion once they have been baptized and their parents think that they are ready. Contrary to popular belief, there is no minimum age.

Children who have taken Communion at other Episcopal parishes, at any age, should most certainly continue to receive at S. Stephen’s.

© 2024 S. Stephen's Church    

114 George Street

Providence, Rhode Island, 02906     

Office: (401) 421-6702

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