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Inquirer's Class 2024


Those who are new to Saint Stephen's and would like to know more about the Episcopal Church or about formally joining the Episcopal Church should consider participating in an Inquirer's Class that will be offered in late January through March on Sundays after Solemn Mass.


These five to six sessions cover the basics of Anglican approaches to Scripture, Faith, the nature of the Church, Church history, the nature of the Sacraments and the Creeds, and Christian ethics in the Anglican tradition.


At the end of the six sessions, those participating may decide to be received or confirmed in the Episcopal Church, but we also honor the decision of those who do not reach that decision at the end of that time.


Those interested should email Fr. Benjamin at

© 2024 S. Stephen's Church    

114 George Street

Providence, Rhode Island, 02906     

Office: (401) 421-6702

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