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When you visit S. Stephen's for the first time, you will discover worship that engages all the senses: hymns and chanting to engage our voices and ears; candles and ornate vestments to engage our eyes; the aroma of burning incense to engage smell; and even physical gestures like the sign of the cross and kneeling to engage our whole bodies in the worship of the Almighty.


On virtually all Sundays following the 10am Mass, we have Coffee Hour in the Great Hall – on the second floor of the parish building (known as the “Guild House”) – and we warmly invite all visitors and guests to join us. Ask one of the clergy or one of your fellow worshipers for directions.



Nursery care is available for both 8:00 and 10:00 Sunday Masses, with our nursery childcare provider on site from 7:50 am until 11:15am. Infants and children are also welcome to be in the pews with their parents throughout the service.


Children 2nd grade and up are welcome to participate in Sunday School on the second floor of the parish house. Sunday school begins at 10:00 as Mass is beginning downstairs, with children rejoining their parents around 10:40am, for Communion.


You are also welcome to keep your children with you during church, whatever their age. If you need to take your child out for a moment, please feel free to use the parish library - a comfortable space just a few steps down the hallway from the church.

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