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Peter Gibson – I’ve been part of S. Stephen’s since 1977 when I was hired to sing as a soloist at Christmas Midnight Mass, and later as Cantor. I’ve also served as a vestryman and as Assistant Treasurer. Singing in choir, though is my main ministry. But I have to confess, even in my forty-third year as a choirman, that S. Stephen’s has ministered more to me than I to her. When I first began, I was a terrible scoffer: a godless mercenary here only for the music and the money. A wonderful thing happened, though: try as I might to resist, the Holy Spirit was able to grab hold of me because of this place, and I was given the gift of faith restored.


Julia Steiny – I come to S. Stephen's for the Liturgy which has quieted my ruminations and brought Godly light into my often-messy life. Only church records would remind me how long I’ve been a lector or an usher, or when it was that I served on the vestry. While my kids were little and I still ironed during unavoidable TV commercials, I served on the Altar Guild. I directed the Children’s Pageant for at least 20 years, probably more, and hope to be helpful with that mission in future. I help with Stewardship now. Most importantly, I’m thrilled about our collective prospects for this place I love. If you are interested in any of the ministries I mentioned above, please contact me via email at


Sharon Lloyd Clark – I grew up in the Church of the Intercession, Manhattan, which was a wonderful place for a young girl to learn and understand about the church. In many ways, Saint Stephen’s reminds me a lot of the church I grew up in, and I owe it to the church to pay it forward for all the education I received and continue to receive. Growing up, the Sisters of Saint Margaret always taught me to offer service to the church I attended, so I am taking that directive to heart by serving as the Stewardship Chair on the Stewardship Committee. I spent years working for Brown University in development, so I think it is important to work in development for my church. If you are interested in serving on the Stewardship Committee, please contact me via email at


Sandra Bartlett – I have been blessed to share what gifts I have with the people - parishioners, clergy, staff, and visitors - of S. Stephen's. From teaching Sunday School to Vestry, including service as both Treasurer and Clerk, to New Year's Day Dinner, Parish BBQ, and more, there have been ways to give back to S. Stephen's. Thanks for all that the church and its Anglo-Catholic history have given to me. Most recently I have participated in the 8 am Sunday Low Mass and had the privilege of helping to introduce to the service, and train, the faithful corps of early rising Lay Readers as well as developing the fellowship that comes with a cup of coffee or glass of juice or water following service. The great joy of participation in worship is meant to be shared. Please contact me (at or Jacob for further information - a warm welcome is waiting to greet you!

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Modu Johnson – One of my ministries here at S. Stephen’s is serving as lector. It gives me great pleasure to read scripture because I feel that scripture is central to our worship services and the basis from which the daily message comes. To stand at the front of the church at the podium and read the Bible is to stand in reverence in the house of the Lord and proclaim His word. I bring with me my training and nearly 33 years’ experience in education and passion for teaching and public speaking. I’ve been told that my voice is commanding and if this is so, my audience is drawn to the Word of God and my purpose would have been met. Serving as lector also gives me time to meditate and reflect on God’s word, something I may not otherwise set aside time to do. 

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Kathleen Lester – One of my ministries at S. Stephen's is teaching in the Sunday School. I served as a Sunday School teacher in my former parish and am happy to continue this service here in Providence. It gives me indescribable joy to share this gentle tradition with children who are daily bombarded with the overwhelming stimuli of television, video games, and social media. Reading the bible and bible stories, singing and listening to music, creating small art projects, and just talking about deep and important subjects with them is so fulfilling, and I am grateful for the opportunity to get to know these amazing young people.

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Molly Ellis – Having grown up attending S. Stephen's, our physical campus is as much a second home to me as any other space in my life. From the nave, the lady chapel, and the tower room to the Great Hall and the Sunday School classrooms, to the choir room and choir stalls where I have spent most of my Sunday mornings for over ten years, the physical elements of our space are very important to me. I joined the Buildings & Grounds Committee upon becoming a Vestry member in order to help steward this venue and ensure that it can be a haven for others the way it has been for me. Right now, we are working on bringing our heating system into the 21st century and planning some improvement projects in the Guild House. It's very satisfying to have an insider's view into the literal nuts and bolts of S. Stephen's physical vessel! If you are interested in getting involved with the B & G Committee, either speak to me after Mass or contact the Committee Chair Tom Bledsoe via email at


Leana Hooks – I have been involved in quite a few ministries over the 20+ years I have been attending Saint Stephen’s Church. The most rewarding/challenging experience was helping with the Christmas Pageants in working with all the children and the costumes. I have also served on the Altar Guild for a number of years, and for the first time this year, as a new member of the Vestry. 


George Ryan – I view my ministry at S. Stephen’s as a utility parishioner, filling in wherever needed at a point in time. I have served as Parish Treasurer and now as Assistant Treasurer and a member of the budget committee. The church’s responsibility to provide good financial management of the funds entrusted to it is an important challenge, considering the many projects facing us moving forward. If you would like further information regarding the budget committee or are interested in volunteering, you can contact me via email at


Bruce Lennihan – One of my ministries is acting as the liaison between the church and the Epiphany Soup Kitchen. I am a member of the ESK Board of Directors and volunteer at the soup kitchen most Saturdays. I look forward to serving and getting to know our guests and help provide a safe and happy venue for them to have a nutritious hot meal. 


Lynne deBenedette – I cannot recall exactly how many years I have sung in the Schola Cantorum, but that is partly because for me singing in the choir is inseparable from being part of the congregation. It's a humbling honor and enormous privilege to be able contribute to Sunday worship as a choir member, and a joy to sing under James's wonderful direction and with so many talented and dedicated musicians.


Andrew Campbell – Hello. My name is Andrew Campbell and my current ministry to S. Stephen’s is as a member of the Investment Committee. Throughout the New Testament (Acts; Gal.; John; Luke; Cor.;), there is reference to the church’s responsibility in managing its finances for the purpose of supporting the material and spiritual needs of Christians and non-Christians. As parishioners, we all give in support of God’s work and to express thanks in response to God’s grace. My role on the Investment Committee is to support you all in this endeavor by safeguarding your investments in the church. I am proud to be given the opportunity to serve as one of your financial stewards. I share with you all the belief in this life, and the life to come after. For more information, I can be reached via e-mail at


Nancy Gingrich – As the secretary of the St. Stephen, Proto-Martyr branch of the Guild of All Souls, I am happy to take on the responsibility of encouraging our congregation to take advantage of this service. It is a time to remember and give thanks for those souls who have gone before as they continue to learn and grow in understanding. It is my continual affirmation of my belief in the life hereafter and the graciousness of God. For more information, please contact me by email at


Bobby Rose – Hello. My name is Bobby Rose. One of my ministries here at S. Stephen’s is as an acolyte. I have been serving on the altar in various capacities for over 20 years. I find it both uplifting and spiritually rewarding to give thanks and glory to G-d and hopefully allow others to join in worshiping and honoring Him who made us all in His image. To G-d be the kingdom the power and the glory now and forever. If you are interested in assisting with this ministry, talk to Richard Noble or contact myself after Mass or by email at


Tom Bledsoe – One of my ministries is volunteering at the Epiphany Soup Kitchen when it is S. Stephen's opportunity to serve. Coming face-to-face with those without reliable sources for life's most basic needs and helping them has helped keep me stay grounded in the realities of life for many in our community.

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© 2024 S. Stephen's Church    

114 George Street

Providence, Rhode Island, 02906     

Office: (401) 421-6702

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