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Holy Matrimony

"Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it." -- Song of Solomon 8:7


One of the great joys of parish life is the celebration of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. All couples (including same-sex) contemplating marriage are required to meet with the Rector for at least three sessions of pre-marital counseling. By canon law, the Rector must be satisfied that the couple intend and are able to undertake a Christian marriage before he consents to conduct the wedding or to allow it to take place in his parish. The permission of the bishop must be obtained for remarriage in church of divorced persons.


All weddings take place in the church using the authorized liturgy in The Book of Common Prayer. Flash photography is strictly prohibited during the service.


Couples planning a wedding are urged not to schedule the reception until the Rector has agreed to conduct the service on the anticipated date. Weddings are not scheduled for Sundays, or during the seasons of Advent and Lent.


There is no charge for parishioners getting married at S. Stephen’s. However, those who are not members of the parish will need to pay a fee for the use of the space. Fees are also payable to the organist, any other musicians, and the sexton. Many couples also wish to make some additional offering to the church in thanksgiving.

© 2024 S. Stephen's Church    

114 George Street

Providence, Rhode Island, 02906     

Office: (401) 421-6702

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