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Worship is central to our life and mission at S. Stephen’s. Our Sunday services comprise the full round of the Church’s daily worship: the Offices of Morning and Evening Prayer, and the Holy Eucharist (or Mass). In addition to Sundays, we offer the Eucharist and usually one of the Daily Offices every day of the week as well. 


Anglo-Catholic worship is sacramental, in two senses of the word. First, it gives a central place to the Sacraments of the Church, especially the Holy Eucharist, as the appointed means by which we receive God’s grace and strength. Second, because we are not pure intellects or disembodied spirits, Anglo-Catholic  worship  engages

us in the fullness of our humanity, body and soul, by visible signs and symbols that appeal to our sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste. Our worship is thus richly sensual, making use of music, incense, candles, vestments, sacred images, and ceremonial pageantry to lift our hearts and minds to the unseen God.


Finally, Anglo-Catholic worship is corporate, in that it is the activity of a gathered assembly. God did not create us to be isolated individuals. As human beings, we realize the fullness of our identity in relationship with others. The liturgy thus brings us together as members of a community. Worshiping together, we grow in the ability to forgive one another as God has forgiven us, and to love our neighbor as ourselves.


Click here to see service times. 

Opportunities for Service

S. Stephen's offers meaningful avenues of engagement for people of all ages.

To get involved in any of the following, please click here! 




Our ushers greet people at the door, make sure everyone has what they need for worship, answer questions about what's happening or  where  to go, take the  collection and  present  it at

the altar. Ushers are the first people many of our visitors meet, and their untiring friendliness is a testament to the joy they take in what they do.




Acolytes accompany the clergy in carrying out the ceremonial of our worship.  There are various parts to play: torch-bearers and the crucifer, thurifer, master of ceremonies, and the subdeacon, all to complement the functions of the ordained ministers, the deacon and celebrant.  Acolytes learn these roles part by part, adding to their "repertoire" as they grow in skill and as their interest directs. 

We welcome children and youth to participate as acolytes.  It can be a great introduction to the Church and the Christian life of faith, and it is always a lot of fun!

Altar Guild


The Altar Guild looks after the material implements of our worship and takes great care to get them ready Sunday by Sunday for the service of the altar.  Their work happens largely behind the scenes; they are responsible for our lovingly cleaned and pressed linens, spotless silver vessels, and shrines full of votive candles.


To get involved with the S. Stephen's Altar Guild, please contact Cathy Bledsoe at

Coffee Hour


Coffee hour after the 10am Service on Sunday is a time to enjoy one another's company over light refreshments and, in many ways, continues the work we started in church!  This is a great occasion to greet visitors, share news, and make plans for the coming week. A rota of parishioners volunteers to make this happen: providing food, setting up the parish hall, and cleaning up afterwards.  It is heroic service and an invaluable contribution to the vibrancy of parish life.   

© 2024 S. Stephen's Church    

114 George Street

Providence, Rhode Island, 02906     

Office: (401) 421-6702

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